Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Chapters 6 & 7- Meaningless- I want more--- Not good enough

So many of these chapters are appearing to be backed up against another chapter that goes perfectly alongside it... That again is the case as we get to the point where we are seeing “I want more…” and “Not good enough!” There is nothing out there in this world outside of God that will be satisfactory or fulfilling. We will continue to dig deeper and seek to find the next big thing to bring us gratification and pleasure. Nothing will work. We will simply continue to be seekers of that which we will never find. The answer of course is that we are looking in the wrong place. We are like the woman at the well. We seek water that will make us never thirst again, but the answer is found only in living water. We will always thirst for more as long as we dig dry wells. We need to forsake wells and dig God.

Money is an empty well. It may produce for a time, but the ultimate reality is that it will never be enough. Money… in and of itself is not a problem. It is not evil as so many misquote the Bible. But it is a dry hole, an un-producing well… It is emptiness in regard to pleasure. Attempts at being a person of power are in vain… it is meaningless… We are living futile lives if we continue to seek that which never gives anything in return but anguish. Nothing is good enough…

scripture rant- “Yet when I surveyed all that my hands had done and what I had toiled to achieve, everything was meaningless, a chasing after the wind; nothing was gained under the sun.” Ecclesiastes 2:11

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