Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Chapter 2- Meaningless- The Hard Way

I guess I am a poser… But I laughed at the story of Mark killing the kitten. Not that I am sadistic, but it takes a lot of guts to admit that you are a cat killer. I mean, I’m a self-confessed dog lover, but a lot of Mark's readers will send him countless emails concerning his “experiment.” The truth is that life is painful… Life is difficult… Always changing… Always pressing on… It’s one big experiment after the other. What do we need to do to continue to evolve as change comes? How do we learn as we live?
It’s amazing to think that God teaches us truth concerning Himself as we walk through life. As I read the story to my son Garrett and explained what Matlock was trying to say he asked if we were like the cats. “Does God throw us in the air to see if we land on our feet?” It’s a really good question for a four year old to process. I asked him to think about it and get back with me later. He went home and hasn’t gotten back with me yet… but I’m curious. I want my kids to think theologically about life. I want them to be able to wrestle with and answer questions for themselves… Of course I may have a son who now thinks we are being tossed through the air by a scientifically crazy God who is asking if in our times of difficulty… “Will these stupid humans land on their feet or fall with a thud on their back and just lie there and die…” Either that or he may be at home looking for a stray cat to toss into the air... oh to be young and able to get away with that again... (not that I ever did it... ok once... maybe a few more times... hey this isn't confessional).
Sometimes looking for meaning in all of life is quite futile… even Solomon thought so…

scripture rant- “Meaningless! Meaningless!’ says the Teacher. ‘Utterly meaningless! Everything is meaningless.” Ecclesiastes 1:2

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